Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Here's the Scoop:

Louisa Cornell is the winner of Colleen Gleason's free book. Louisa, you may pick any one of Colleen's Gardella Vampire series. Email Delle.

MJ Frederick's HOT SHOT has won the EPPIES! This is a very prestigious contest for published ebooks, and the book really deserves it! MJ was our guest a few weeks ago, talking about what makes hot shots so hot. HOT SHOT is available on Amazon:

And my book video for APHRODITE'S BREW won Book Trailer of the Month here:

Other news:
Remember the question we all asked Colleen? Would her "other hero" get his own story? Well, I found out. The answer is in the book. Sort of... No spoiler here- I won't tell because... The book is a must-read!

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I write write write. Sometimes I travel. Then I write some more. And I have a great family who understand that I write write write.